This is where the pen finally meets the paper. As an officiant, you must complete your part of the marriage certificate. When you`re done, you`ll need to sign it with the couple and two adult witnesses (they`ll also need to sign the marriage certificate). There is no waiting period for marriage license in Utah. This means that the couple can receive and complete their marriage certificate on the same day they apply for their marriage certificate. In other words, they can get married on the same day they apply for their marriage license. Marriage licenses in Utah expire 32 days after they are issued. This means that the marriage must take place within the period between the issuance of the marriage certificate and its expiry. In other words, the marriage must take place within 32 days of the presentation of the marriage certificate by the couple. Your job as a marriage agent is to confirm that no more than 32 days have passed since the marriage certificate was issued. Once you are satisfied with that, you can proceed to the next step. If the marriage certificate has expired, the couple must apply for a new one. It`s not the end of the world, but it`s uncomfortable.
In Utah, all marriage leaders must be at least 18 years old to legally solemnize the marriage. Basically, you must not only be an ordained minister, but also a legal adult. Your marriage must be solemnly contracted by an official, and some people may do this legally for you. Utah ministers, rabbis, priests, district officials, Native American spiritual advisors, governor, mayor, judicial court judge, court commissioner, president of the Senate, speaker of the House of Representatives, and other legislative members designated by Utah Code 30-1-6 may perform marriage ceremonies. Whoever you choose to solemnize your marriage, that person must sign a marriage certificate and submit the marriage certificate and marriage certificate to the county official who originally issued you the license. In addition to the application itself, both parties who wish to marry must know the full names, addresses, dates and places of birth of both applicants. You also need to know the names and places of birth of your parents and applicants (including maiden names). Know your Social Security number and bring your Social Security card, unless you don`t need to present one, along with a valid photo ID to prove age (i.e. a valid driver`s license, passport, birth certificate, or state ID card) at the time of application.
Once the marriage certificate is completed, it must be returned to the county clerk. This is usually the responsibility of the couple, although some states require that it be done by the minister. Specific instructions on how to return the marriage certificate must be attached to the marriage certificate when it is issued to the couple. If these instructions are not included in the marriage certificate, you can call the exhibition office for clarification. Regardless of who returns the marriage certificate or how, it is important to return the completed marriage certificate to the issuing site as soon as possible. Utah has a law that states how quickly the marriage certificate must be returned to Clerk County once completed. In Utah, the completed marriage certificate must be returned within 14 days of marriage to comply with Utah law. As long as the completed marriage certificate is returned within 14 days of the marriage, the marriage certificate will be filed and registered in Utah. (2) First cousins may marry in the following circumstances: DESIGNATED PERSON (A couple may choose a person who is authorized to perform their marriage ceremony.) Completing and signing the marriage certificate is your legal obligation as a marriage official. While this is a serious responsibility, it is an easy task to accomplish. Filling out the marriage certificate simply involves filling out your part of the license and signing with the couple. In Utah, two adults must sign the marriage license.
If you haven`t filled out a marriage certificate yet, you may not know how to fill in some fields. We understand that you want to do everything right. Our guide to filling out a marriage certificate covers all the fields that may appear on the marriage certificate you are about to fill out. Below we cover the four most common questions we receive from our ministers about completing a marriage certificate. Note that marriage licenses in Utah may be formatted differently depending on the office that issued the license. The license you are about to purchase can contain any combination of these fields or none. Planning your wedding should be fun and exciting, but it can be stressful when legal requirements and documents are involved. There are steps you need to follow to legally get a marriage license in the state of Utah, but the good news is that the process of applying for a marriage license is pretty straightforward.
We`ve included the basics you need to know in this handy guide to help you plan that part of your big day. It`s also important to know how to change your name in Utah after your big day. Get ready for your best day in beautiful Hive State with this overview of Utah`s marriage licensing process. However, first-degree cousins may marry if both parties are over 65 years of age, or if both parties are over 55 years of age, if the court determines that they cannot recur. To be legally married in Utah, you must first receive your marriage license and then have it solemnly solemnly celebrated by an authorized official. Luckily, you don`t have to travel too far, as you can get a marriage certificate at any county clerk`s office in the state. You must complete the application in person and both applicants must be present. First cousins can marry if they are 65 years of age or older.
If they are between 55 and 64 years of age, the district court of the district where they reside must determine that one of the two persons is not capable of procreating in order to marry. (a) where there is one of the spouses whose married person is not divorced; A couple who wants to get married can structure the wedding ceremony according to their personal preferences, but the state requires that each person formally agrees to marry during the occasion. This is usually done by married people who agree to be married. The celebrant must also publicly declare that the couple is officially married as part of the ceremony. Keep in mind that the marriage certificate is only a formal approval for permission to get married. That doesn`t mean you`re married! This is where the marriage certificate comes in. Once your license is in hand, there are a few important things to consider when getting married and signing the document. Her only legal responsibility as a marriage officer in Utah is to sign the couple`s marriage certificate. This is a simple bureaucratic process that is not really different from signing any other type of legal contract. Marriage licenses are available in Utah for religious, civil or cultural ceremonies, depending on the couple`s preferences. As a preacher ordained by Universal Life Church, you are considered a religious actor in the eyes of the state.
Government-issued identification is required as proof of identity and residency. No proof of divorce or blood test is required; However, couples should expect to provide a written affidavit confirming that there is no legal reason to prevent the marriage.